Daphne March

Illustration by Shaikara David

Daphne is mother of two adult children, Stephen and Rebecca. She is an indigenous entrepreneur who specializes in hospitality, Health and wellness. She owners and operators, a four star accommodations. She is founder of ShaMaSha, a company dedicated to the art of healing that provides individuals with land base experiences, multi-day tours and retreats. She uses medication, breath work and yoga to enhance their quality of living.

Daphne as great passion as Community advocate with First Voice. Is interim Co-chair of Newfoundland Labrador Indigenous Tourism Association and contributed to Development of five year strategy plan to preserve, support and promote indigenous culture throughout her province.

Daphne holds a certificate in business management, yoga alliances and Recovery 2.0 Recovery, Indigenous Woman in Leadership, and semi- finalizes in Pow-Wow Pitch across Turtle Island and continues to be student of life.

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Key Parts

  • Career
  • Identity
    First Nations
  • Province/Territory
    Prince Edward Island
  • Date
    December 12, 2024
  • Post Secondary Institutions
    No PSI found.
  • Discussion Guide
    create to learn discuss

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